Organic Teeth Whitening Charcoal with Tooth Brush Set

$9.99 $18.95


Get the Best Deal! Organic Teeth Whitening Charcoal with Tooth Brush (1 Set) for 9.99 instead of  18.95 today.  Limited quantities available!

Organic Teeth Whitening Charcoal Powder is a 100% Natural Teeth Whitener. It naturally whitens teeth, polishes teeth, strengthens enamel and detoxifies your mouth without any chemicals or added nastiness.

All by simply dipping a wet toothbrush into the fine, odorless and tasteless black dust. Brush in small gentle circles for two minutes. Spit it out carefully, rinse really well and you’re done. 

A noticeable difference after three uses. Use once a day and continue to use your regular toothpaste for your other daily brushes. Your mouth will feel so clean!